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Dark Baby Nins - Grapat

  • In stock
Category: Grapat
Věk: 0-3 let, 3-5 let, 5-8 let
Materiál: Dřevo
Značka: grapat
Obsahuje: 6 malých Nins® a 1 kokosovou skořápku
Doporučený věk +36 měsíců
Výrobek vyrobený podle bezpečnostní normy EN71

It contains: 6 little Nins® and 1 coconut shell
Recommended age +36 months

6 Nins® dark in miniature dark headed and in 6 colors in a clearer range than the basic colors.
They can be combined with the classic Nins®, which, being smaller than these, can facilitate a play proposal where di erent generations intervene. Coconut shell contains, holds. A container that can be a perfect bassinet, bed or anything that children set up with their imagination.

imagen-1-ce imagen-1-km-0 

Article manufactured under the safety standard EN71